Saturday, April 26, 2014

Silence is golden?

Every few years I get a cold that settles into my throat and I get laryngitis.  Well, I have it now.  Today is my second day without a voice.  I am not good at staying silent, and I hate missing out on things.   I admit I'm feeling better than a couple of days ago during the early stages of the cold - maybe still overly tired - but anytime I try to say anything my throat still hurts…     so, yes, it's best for me to just stay away from people, and stay quiet.

Ahhh….but I DO have my blog!

Yesterday I tried to do my normal activities.  I even went out to dinner last night with my hubby and another couple, friends of ours from way back, and I sat at the table - and listened, and occasionally TRIED to say something.  Well, nobody could hear me/understand me… and they looked at me weird, and it made my throat hurt.   At least the food was delicious and the wine went down smoothly.

It's never a good time to get sick.   I realize that.  I'm thankful I was not sick over Easter weekend, and that I should definitely be over this by next week when I am in charge of our church garage sale.   And then, the following weekend we go to Raleigh to my daughter's graduation ceremony from the grad program at NC State.

So, I am missing a few things right now, but nothing critical…

BUT BUT BUT  I am not one to stay in, or stay "stuck" in a situation for long.   What is it about knowing you "can't" do something?  It might actually be something you don't really NEED to do, but it's frustrating just the same.   Know what I mean?

In the whole realm of things, and what people have to deal with on a daily basis, staying quiet really isn't bad.  Yes, you can say the joke… "your hubby probably is thankful you can't talk!"   Could be.  But I have always been good at "the look"….something my daughters know well too.    Right, girls?

So, today… I'm doing things around the house, and I'll read some… and I will go sit in the sun and soak up some vitamin D…. and work on getting healthy.  

If I blog tomorrow it will be because I will be silent yet another day.   Golden?   I don't think so.

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