Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Springy Hodgepodge

Hello everyone - and welcome to the weekly Hodgepodge questions - and my answers.  Spring is in the air! Someplaces.  But, it's definitely in this list of Hodgepodge questions this week.

1.  March 20th is the first day of Spring...is she a lion or a lamb in your part of the world?

I think Winter is going out like a tired, old lion here in South Carolina.  For some reason the warmth and mild weather just has not come to stay yet, so it's like the winter lion holding on for a few last gasps.  Now, I know our winters are pretty easy compared to many other places but it's enough for me and I am certainly ready for full-fledged Springtime to be here!  Bring on the lamb!! 

2.  What's the most dreaded task on your Spring to-do list?  Do you have a 'plan of attack?'

I don't really dread anything that needs to get done. My biggest task is getting the piles of items I've been storing for our church Garage Sale out of my garage and storage shed.  We were supposed to have a garage sale last fall, but our church had a big construction project going on (which is good - we now have a beautiful new building),  So, I have been hanging on to my stuff AND other people's stuff just waiting for the sale to happen.  I'm in charge of it, so I want to make sure we have lots and lots of items to sell. We raise money for charitable needs and for our church quilting group for supplies.  I am SO READY to have my garage back!  I can transfer all the junk (excuse me, 'treasures') after Easter Sunday.  The sale will take place on April 13th.  I know it's a big task - but I am really quite looking forward to it!

3.  Peas... love 'em or hate 'em?  What's a favorite dish you make using peas?

I like peas.   As I have said before, I'm not a wonderful gourmet cook so I keep things pretty simple.  I like peas in salads.  I like them all on their own as a side veggie.  Why is it when you go to a restaurant peas are never served?   Asparagus, broccoli, vegetable medley...  they seem to be the sides, and I love them all.  But, poor peas!   They need equal time on the plate!

4.  Do you feel appreciated?

Yes I do.   Thank you to everyone in my life who is kind and thoughtful with their words.  My hubby doesn't like me blogging about him but I will say he makes a point to let me know he appreciates me.  My wonderful daughters do too.   Have I mentioned before I am blessed?? YES!!!

5.  Have you been using Google Reader?  If so, what are you switching to now that GR has announced retirement?  If not, how do you read your favorite blogs?

I hope this question helps me figure it out.  I'm not sure.  I use blogspot...is that Google Reader?   I'm pretty ignorant of the blogging tech world.   Am I going to lose my system?   I really look forward to reading everyone's answers on this so I will know what to do.  Joyce, when does GR end?   Uh-oh.

6. Anne Bradsheet is credited with the following guote -
"If we had no winter, the spring would not be as pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste adversities, propserity would not be so welcomed."   Agree or Disagree?  Why?

I agree with the quote in general.  Be it weather, or job challenges, or anything in life... after facing adversity and making it through, the joys are often sweeter.   That being said, I must confess I have faced ENOUGH winter conditions in my 56 years of life to know it,  and to say "enough is enough!"  I'm done with winter.  That's one of the many reasons I love living where I do now.  We have a mild winter and an early spring (usually - but this year is hanging on like an old lion)

7.  When did you last 'spring for something'?  What was it?

In regards to purchases, my last un-neccesary thing was buying Tim McGraw tickets for his May 3rd concert in Charlotte.  I'm taking my daughter Kristen - and I also "sprung" for the fan club option of buying tickets to the pre-acoustic concert backstage. I've never experienced it....and I'm excited about it!!!  The concert is for a small audience, includes hor'dourves, drinks, and a small gift.    I am sure I will "spring for joy" when I'm there! 

8.  My random thought.

Continuing with the seasons theme...  I am on the cusp of the start of my favorite time each year!  I love gardening, and seeing the beauty of the flowers.  I love the warmer temps and living in shorts and flipflops.  I love long hours of daylight.  I love my country music experiences ahead (the May 3rd Tim McGraw concert AND the CMA Festival in June).  I love the Memorial Day and 4th of July holidays that we spend outdoors with family and friends. I love the Lakeside week in July.  I love boating on the rivers around us.   BrRING IT ON!!!


  1. I love all of the activities you have planned for Spring! Hope it gets here soon!

  2. I'm still not over the fact that you're going to see Tim backstage. In fact, last week, that's what I should have blogged about being 'green with envy' over. Yep...I admit it! ;) I don't get the whole GR thing, either. Never even used it once.

  3. Blogspot and GR are two different things. If you read thru your blog then you'll be fine. It's only people who use Google Reader to keep up with blogs. I like bloglovin so far. It's different but user friendly.

    Good luck with your sale!

  4. Glad I am not the only one who was confused about GR. Joyce put my mind at ease. I plumb forgot about my garage being on teh spring cleaning list. My arch nemeis: JUNK! I am holding furniture for our son who is getting married in June and taking it with him. But I doubt I'll even see the difference, that's how bad it is.

  5. Wow, sounds like the "sale of sales" is about to happen. Hoping you all raise all kinds of $$$. Good cause for sure.

    I'll be close to your neck of the woods next month. Hubby, myself and friends are going to Savannah, GA. We went to Charleston last April and had a fantastic time.

    Enjoy stopping by! Blessings!

  6. Enjoy the concert....sounds like fun!

  7. What a fun thing to "spring" for! (And thanks for reminding me that I need to get tickets for a concert!) have a wonderful week!!
