Tuesday, July 2, 2013

An Independent blog!

Even as I am getting ready to celebrate Independence Day this week, the Hodgepodge post happens!  It's a busy week, but I enjoy the questions, and like to think about subjects that might not always pop into my mind.  So, thank you Joyce -  and here it is - Happy 4th of July to all Americans! Celebrate this amazing home we share!

1.  What's one simple pleasure on your summer "to do" list? 

I think I am looking forward to spending the day out on the boat and going to one of the barrier islands to shell.  Usually by this time we have taken the trip, and we had hoped to go last Saturday.  But, this crazy weather has made it impossible to "chance" a long day on the water.  We have had so much rain, and pop-up thunderstorms.  It's too dangerous to be away from a port or marina when storms start to brew.

2. Do you have strong feelings or opinions regarding the immigration debate in your home country?  Feel free to share your thoughts, but please play nice. 

I do have beliefs regarding immigration into the USA.  First, most of us reading this blog got here because someone in our family tree immigrated here - from Europe, or the Far East, the Middle East - or elsewhere.  Unless you are American Indian you have ended up here thanks to your ancestors.

In recent times we have had an abundance of people coming into the states due to the horrible situations in their own countries.   Some come for jobs, some for education, some just to live in a place where gunfire isn't flying over their heads.   I certainly can't blame them!  I truly believe we are a "global people" and we need to take care of ALL the people of the world.  There's no pecking order.   It would make sense (in my opinion) to work with leaders in other countries to help make life there in the home countries better - i.e. safer, more food, better living conditions, employment opportunities.  I know our leaders try. Unfortunately politics gets in the way.

At the same time we Americans need to have compassion for the immigrants.  Most come scared, but willing to work, and want to live in peace.  I do believe we need to have a better system for them to be "legit" so they don't have to hide here.  We need rules to follow, and consequences if they are not followed, same as with natural-born citizens.  We ALL should have responsibility, and a shared commitment to living in harmony.  Seriously,  just because my parents were living here when I was born does not make me better than others!

Oh - I could go on...  but best to return to "lighter" questions!  ( :

3. What's something in your home or wardrobe that could be described as "star spangled?"  

I can't think of a thing in my home, but I suppose I have a couple of "flashy" tops for fancy evenings out.  But, really not much.  I'm not a spangly, glittery type! ha

4.  Is your house set up for a party? 

For this week?  It's getting there.  We are expecting a lot of people here for the few days over the 4th.  So, I'm cleaning now.  Preparing.   Yes, we have room for partying!  We also have a "riva cabin" about 30 minutes away and that's where we & our 28 or more people will be hanging out on the 4th.  We plan a big cookout, games (volleyball, cornhole, darts, etc.), boating, and then heading out to see fireworks.   I sure hope the rain stops!!

5.  What one never-before-visited city in America would you most like to see?

I have been fortunate to see a lot of the big ones!   I'll say New Orleans.  But I think I'd like to go in their "off-season" when it's not as crowded so I could enjoy the music, the restaurants, etc.

6.  Your favorite red food?  White food?  Blue food?

Red = tomatoes.  White = vanilla ice cream.  Blue = Is there anything blue besides blueberries??

7.  What freedom to you value the most, and why? 

Well - you are reading my blog...  so I have to answer with freedom of speech!   Americans are so lucky to be able to voice their opinions without fear of the gov't coming after them.  We are blessed to say what we feel and what we believe.  We can tell others about our religion and faith, about our  hopes and dreams, about the times we see injustices, and want change.  

8. My random thought. 

Seriously, we are ALL so fortunate to live in a country with lots of freedoms,  and it is still a place with a community feeling.  We live in a country where people respect the fellowman who also wants to live in peace while enjoying all the beauty around.  The news/media today focuses SO MUCH on the wrong things in America and on the disagreements between politicians.  We may have different ideas on ways to achieve happiness and peace - but it's what we all want.

Happy Independence Day!  Be safe traveling.  Enjoy family and friends!  And, thank God for all our blessings!!


  1. Immigration is a hot & heavy topic, isn't it?

  2. I really appreciated your thoughts on immigration--I think sometimes the discussion is so focused on the legal issues that we forget that these are people just like ourselves who are facing their own problems and trying to find a way to make things work. Compassion is so important!

    Have a good holiday weekend!

  3. Happy 4th of July from your Canadian friends! Would love to see New Orleans as well.
