Monday, April 30, 2012

Layette Basket Details

I have been putting together baby layette baskets for new and needy mothers now since last September. Since starting the project, with many, many donations from the ladies of my church, I have given the local hospitals over 100 baskets. 

Since I have been at it now for over six months I have gotten a good idea of what should go into the baskets, and what are some nice little extras to include in them from time to time.   

I have learned where to find wonderful "gently used" items: the local Salvation Army and Goodwill stores.  I have shopped Wal-Mart and K-Mart alot.  And, I buy baskets (woven or plastic) and small bathing items for the layettes at the Dollar Tree.  They have the biggest selection and best prices. 

I am ALWAYS accepting donations!   So, here's a complete, detailed list of what works best in the baskets:

* Newborn sized, or up to 6 months, onesies, and other newborn size sleepers and outfits
* Receiving blankets
* Baby towels and washcloths
* small sized bibs and hats
* booties and infant socks

* Trial or small size baby shampoo and "head to toe" soap
* Small packages of baby wipes
* Newborn size disposable diapers

* Small pacifiers
* Rattles
* Beanie babies or other small sized stuffed toys
* sample sized Qtip packages

* No baby powder.  The hospitals don't want babies breathing it in.
* No "Daddy" sayings. We don't know the family situation.

I need baskets all the time!  They can be traditional woven baskets but I find the plastic ones work well too and come in pretty "baby colors."  

I include a hand written note with each basket, so I need basic stationery. Oh, and I'd love to have others write a note too! 

I can't think of a better gift to give a new mom, perhaps young and unsure of how to take care of a baby, then a layette basket full of these items AND a note or two letting them know we care...and that God loves them! 

I remember when I had my first child and my hospital room filled up with vases of flowers and balloons, and people called me on the phone. It was a joyous time!  Unfortunately, it isn't always like that and this layette basket gift is a perfect small way to give a new mother a few items and some encouragement and love.

If you can help, THANK YOU!  If you want to know more, email me at

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