Monday, October 6, 2014

60 and 30

So, this past weekend we celebrated my hubby's 60th birthday - and we are into our 30th year of marriage too.  Milestones both!

I was sitting here at my computer thinking it seems like just yesterday when we met and married, and when we did, we NEVER thought about our lives together at this age, and after 30 years into our marriage.   I mean, who does?   We were young, having fun…had new jobs.  Buying a first house.  And then came children.  Yes… we saw that in our horizon and we were excited!  But, to see this far into the future?   I don't think it really crossed our minds.

But here we are.

In our twenties 60 years old sounded VERY old. (It still does….)  Everyone we knew at 60 was from the generation before us.  Our parents and their friends.   But now we are here, and that circle of life has brought us to be the parents our kids and their friends think of as being old.   I  know. I get it.  (But I still hope we "seem" young. lol)

My hubby and I both have a belief  that you ARE as old as you act.   To tell you the truth, he has always believed that, and I have learned it from living with him.   Hubby has a zest for life that is contagious when around him.   Enthusiasm?   He's got plenty of it!  Quick moving?  Absolutely.  Tiring at times?  yes.

But, hubby at 60 is as active as a young man at 30.  So, because of his behavior he has needed knee surgery and two hernia surgeries… and has aches and pains.   It doesn't stop him.

It's mind over matter.  Nothing in moderation.   So far.    I hope it continues.

This post is also about our years together and his lifestyle with me.  From day one in our marriage he has never "expected" me to be a certain way…   thankfully. He knew he wasn't getting a good cook and I'm an okay housekeeper - certainly not neurotic about it.  He realized I had lived alone and had a sense of independence.  In 30 years he has not told me what to do - or not to do.  Well, not directly!

I think I was much more conservative in my 20's than I am now.  I was afraid to try things "outside the box" and I was worried about what others thought.   As time has gone by, living with hubby, I have had the freedom to open up, to try, to think for myself, and to continue to make decisions.   THANK YOU HUBBY!!!

Don't get me wrong - we are a team.  But we are a team that value our own self too.   So, I thank my hubby for understanding the things I enjoy.  He flows with my interests.  He accepts them, and because of that,  they become his too.  Music.  Reading.  Pets.  Sports.  Outdoor life.  We share these loves.  

We were sitting together yesterday watching football on TV saying we like to watch sports together… we make "dates" to watch our favorite teams.

And, I look at my soon-to-be married daughter and her fiancé and I see many of the same attributes with them - and it makes me VERY happy!   I think they are going into marriage with similar shared loves, and with respect for each other's individual beliefs and ways.

So, although my hubby may not know it, at age 60 with 30 years of marriage under his belt, he has made a life for his wife and his children that keeps passion alive!  Life is never boring for any of us.  Life is full of twists and fun!

I pull the reins in sometimes when I can.  (Somebody has to do it!)    Marriage is also about balance.

So…  60 and 30.   Nice round numbers.   Amazing years.

Let's get going on 70 and 40!


  1. When I turned 60 3 years ago I couldn't handle it. When we were young it was out grandparents who were in their 60's. I'm still not settled with these numbers but I do know that I want to make the most of the time I have left! Happy 60th to your husband and congratulations on 30 years of marriage.

  2. Congratulations on your 30th wedding anniversary and happy birthday wishes for your husband. We just celebrated my husband's birthday this past weekend, too. He sounds a lot like your husband ... Very adventurous type. I am still trying to get it in my head that I am married to a man who is 72 and I am 65, so I fully understand what you are saying in this blog post. Where did the time go???
