Things I have learned - in no particular order.
* I live best with "everything in moderation." It doesn't work for everyone, but it does for me.
* Positive thinking makes positive living. It turns into positive action.
* Love is free, but sometimes not easy to give out.
* Everyone has a unique body clock.
* I do not handle confrontation well. I prefer to avoid it. I prefer to agree to dis-agree.
* I have learned that you can NOT change people's core beliefs. Ever.
* I will never understand how violence makes something better.
* I can fill my hours and be happy. Alone is fine. Being with people is great too. But, sometimes I need a break from people.
* I have traveled enough to know how alike we are, but how different we see things.
* I prefer hot climates over cold ones.
* I also prefer pets to people at times.
* I have learned to "let go, let God" and it is a wonderful thing!
* I wish I was born with more athletic and artistic ability. I have never wished for my mathmatical ability.
* I have days where my brain thinks faster than other days. I get scared thinking about Alzheimers - and cancer.
* Sometimes I can be witty but sometimes I can never think of the right thing to say.
* I have a strong love of music. It gets me deep inside.
* I also have a strong love of nature. I could not be happy in an urban environment. I need to sit outdoors and listen to birds sing. I love to see a plant grow.
* I shut off after 5pm. I do my best work early and veg in the evening. That's why I can't get into serial TV at night.
* I hope I can keep learning. I hope I can keep a positive outlook as I move forward.
* I am a blessed person.
* I think lists like this are good to make!
* Starting each day with a list gives purpose for the day. I have been a list-maker since I was in school. Small things & large things go on my lists. It's a great feeling to accomplish something and mark it off on a list!
* I think when I write something down it's permanent and personal.
* I wish I was a better writer.
* I love children. There is nothing better in this world then their innocence and sweetness. I wish adults would not lose either of those things.
* I wish adults would set rules for children. Teach love, respect, and caring for others. Think how peaceful the world would be!
* I believe it's possible. I do not ever want to give up on hope.
To be continued...
all good!