Tuesday, March 28, 2017

"Everything is Beautiful... in it's own way..."

1. 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder'  What's something you've seen recently that you thought was beautiful?

This time of year all I have to do is look outside and I see beauty!   Springtime flowers are blooming!  The  trees are greening up!   Nature is coming back to life here where I live.  It's beautiful! 

2. Our culture and beauty...your thoughts?

Well, obviously there are problems in our culture with what we sometimes think of as beautiful.  It often comes from companies marketing their products to unsuspecting young people (and old too.)   We tend to value the exterior more than the interior.  We value how we look instead of what we feel.  Beautiful is considered skin-deep. 

The confusion is particularly tough on girls and young women.  Too much emphasis on looking a certain way! 

3. Age before beauty, beauty queen, beauty mark, beauty sleep...which beauty-ful phrase resonates with you today? Why?

Hmmm.  Well, I sometimes say I need to go to bed to get my 'beauty sleep' and, really, there is truth in looking better when well-rested.  

But, I suppose I most find myself dealing with 'age before beauty' these days.   My last birthday was a decade birthday and there is no doubt that looking good and feeling good takes a bit more work now!  I have trouble looking into the mirror sometimes.  I am particularly challenged by the change in my skin these days.  What used to be young and moist is not anymore.  Arm skin and leg skin look wrinkly and dry. I have started putting vaseline on at night to try and keep it looking okay.   But, alas, I fear it's a losing battle.     So - I think I need to go back to the question/answer before this - my beauty HAS to be on the inside now!!   ha

4. I read here a list of the top ten beasts animals that scare us the most-

alligators, coyotes, black bears, birds (but pigeons in particular), sharks, bats, bed bugs, rats, rattlesnakes, and the black widow spider. 

Which 'beast' on the list scares you the most? What is the liklihood of you having an actual encounter with that particular beast? Did a movie contribute to your fear of this creature? Have you ever had a real life encounter with any of the animals listed?

Oh, definitely a rattlesnake!   I do not like ANY snakes!  Where I live we have snakes... and they freak me out.    I have had encounters with snakes, thankfully not a rattlesnake though.   Did a movie contribute to my fear?  No, but there is no way that I would want to watch a movie with snakes in it.  I never saw "Snakes on a Plane" for that very reason.  

Of the other animals on the list, I have come close to black bears.  We used to have them come walking through our yard in New Jersey (as did our leader Joyce!)  Now, I live in the land of alligators - and they hang out near lots of ponds.  Once when golfing I teed off and my ball rolled right up and rested against a gator.  And there is stayed!  ha!   I dropped another ball and played on, away from the alligator.  Oh - that reminds me: once playing golf in northern NJ a bear came out to the green at a par 3 when we were getting ready to tee off.   We wisely decided to give ourselves a bogey and skip the hole - and move on!

5. Where were you when you last heard a bell ring? Was it alarming or musical?

Ha!  I love this question!   Why?   Because I am in two handbell ringing groups!   I last heard many bells ringing this past Sunday morning when our St. Peter's group played a beautiful piece during two worship services.  After I finish here, in an hour or so, I'm off to another bell rehearsal.  

Hopefully last Sunday was VERY musical - not alarming!  lol    It was - it was a beautiful piece! 

6. What's your favorite carb? How's that for random?

Warm, soft, fresh bread - from a restaurant

7. Let's wrap up another month of Hodgepodging and life with an acrostic. Recap your month using the word MARCH.


8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

Gotta brag on our South Carolina Gamecock basketball teams!   Both the men AND the women made it to the NCAA Final Four!!   This is practically unheard of - and our state is SO excited right now!   I hope the guys and girls win it all, but if they don't, it has been a great ride for us!  GO GAMECOCKS!!!!   


  1. I love handbells. I don't play them, but I really enjoy listening to them being played.

  2. I agree. There is nothing better than warm, soft bread! Have a great week!

  3. Geaux Gamecocks! I also ring handbells and I forgot all about that. However, I suppose I heard the clarion bells from the steeple as I was leaving from handbell rehearsal. I would love to hear your choir play.

    1. Another bell ringer! Where do you ring? Which bells? I actually play with two groups: my church handbells (Lutheran church) and our local Methodist church. We ringers have become a tight group and help each other out. We are "ecumenical!"

  4. I love this time of year. I do worry about snakes. I do love using Liquid Fence Powder each Spring. It really helps. Bread is a great answer for carb.

    1. Liquid Fence Powder? I may have to get some of that. I throw moth balls around the house foundation, and yard boundaries. Supposedly snakes don't like the smell!

  5. Been a great year for collegiate sports in SC : ) It's fun to have a local team to root for in the final four. I just came from a luncheon but let the bread pass me by. I could eat the whole basket, especially when it's warm and the butter melts. So good!

    1. I had some warm hushpuppies dipped in salted melted butter at lunch today. They may be even better than the bread!!

  6. I am right there with you about snakes. I HATE those things. I was so excited that both Carolina teams made it to the Final Four. I'm not really a USC fan but I really enjoy their women's basketball team. They are so good! And, I do pull for Clemson and USC when they are in something like this. I'm a southern gal born and bred who loves Ohio State. Go figure. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

    1. That's so funny....because I'm a girl born in Ohio (with all my side of the family still there) and I root for South Carolina! GO GAMECOCKS!!!

  7. Bread is a favourite for me too. And, I've mostly been afraid of snakes; the thought of their slithery bodies was always grotesque to me. But my hubby, who is an admirer of most living creatures, including snakes, has helped me to see them with much less aversion. Well, maybe a little.

    Here's wishing you glimpses of loveliness in unexpected places...
