Monday, November 7, 2016

My Election prayer

Dear God,

I come to you this morning conflicted over where we are as a country.  I come to you to say I am hurt, and disappointed about how we got here.   I know it was not due to just one person, or one event, or one year of politics in America.  It's a sad and complicated world.     But, still, we are here...

And, God, I ask myself how I let my thoughts go to finding the wrong in others, those who support a different candidate.  How I was a part of the way this whole campaign season went.  I got caught up in the meanness on social media.  I listened and got drawn in to pundits on TV.

I really just need to listen to You!  I need to put my hope in You and find my peace with You.

I pray that Election Day goes smoothly, and even though so many of us are divided, we can still see each other as individuals with different backgrounds, and with unique personalities.  In reality,  we all want the same thing - a fair and safe country to live in, to raise our children in, and to call home.  

We want to be proud of who we are as a people, as Americans.  We want to show compassion, and we want to live as neighbors together in peace.  I really do believe that.  We want to be a positive  example to the world. 

So, be with us tomorrow, tomorrow night as the results come in, and in the days that follow.  Help us accept the outcome.  Help us smile.  Help us put the nastiness behind us.   Holy Spirit, be with us as we move forward.

I pray this prayer to my God, who I believe, through faith, is the true creator and the hope for us all.  But, I also ask this for those who do not believe yet,  that they find all Christians to be righteous, kind, and supporting of their neighbor. 

Dear Lord, here my prayer...



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