Monday, May 7, 2018

Monday morning in May

Good morning world! 

Happy Monday - in May!  It's a lovely time of year, isn't it?  I love this month with the weather so nice and with lots of exciting activities going on for many.   People are celebrating graduations and weddings.   People are getting outdoors and enjoying nature and getting some exercise.   Birds sing.  The breeze is sweet.  Flowers bloom.  

* I love doing yard work and gardening!  I love pulling weeds.  I love spending time outside planting and watching things grow.    So, of course, I did ALL of that and I overdid it this past Wednesday. I was 'in the groove' and going full speed pulling out weeds, and trimming bushes, filling bags full of yard debris.   But my 61 year old body didn't much appreciate all the work.    Wednesday evening I felt the ache, and the past couple of days since, I have heard my screaming back.  Slow down!!   You did too much!   Unfortunately, I know all too well that a back out of alignment, zapping my leg,  and swollen from hard work and mistreatment needs time and rest to heal.   Grrrrr       That is where I am now.

* How was your weekend?   I played with the flute choir at a beautiful BIG Southern wedding on Saturday.   How big you ask?   10 bridesmaids, 15 groomsmen, a flower girl, and a ring bearer!   How southern was it?   I saw many, many gentlemen in their seer sucker suits and bow ties!  Women were beautifully dressed in springy dresses, with hair and makeup done perfectly.   Southerners know how to do it up!

* Speaking of weddings... daughter 2 is coming here this coming weekend.  We have cake tasting scheduled and will make decisions on what she and her fiance want on their dessert table.  We also hope to meet with the wedding planner and walk around the new venue, Brookgreen Gardens.   Brookgreen is absolutely beautiful - but it is spread out. We have different spots to choose from for the ceremony and the reception.   I have lots of questions. 

* Update on the twins:  they are 6 months old now and are starting in on some food.   Daughter 1 has introduced pears with success.  Today she will try prunes.  Hmmm.    I told her to have her camera ready because the prunes may create some funny faces!!

*. The political TV ads have started here for the midterm elections.  I have seen several different Republican candidates' commercials.   Our current governor (McMaster) took over when Gov. Haley went to represent the US in the United Nations.   He has ads running that show Trump endorsing him, which just really throws me!  Seriously?  He thinks that is a positive thing?      As in the past I will vote mostly Democrat and my vote will never leave the area due to the way our Electoral College works.  It saddens me.  I'm all for having getting rid of the Electoral College so that I can actually have my vote count.   But, I vow anyway to vote for all newbies.  

* Hey you!   Please vote this time, okay??     We need you.

* I love my church.  Yesterday our handbell choir, which I am a member of, finished off our season with a wonderful piece, composed shortly after the Columbine High School tragedy, to honor those killed -  and to stir us up.  Violence in America.  Columbine was the first major school shooting, but we have had TOO many since.       Our music yesterday started with the the St. Francis prayer for peace.  It was impactful and moving.  Oh music!  It can be so beautiful!!

* I'm watching a segment on "CBS This Morning" right now about smart people dressing the same way every day.  Wow.  Interesting!   Too many clothes options can include some bad decisions, confusion, and people focus on what you are wearing and not what you say.   So, I think my clothes 'uniform' will be plain colored shorts, a solid shirt...and flip flops!  ha   

* Here's something interesting.   I went to the eye doctor's this past week because I hadn't been for five years and I knew my prescription for my glasses needed to be updated.   I have always had severe nearsightedness.  But twice over the years I had one of my eyes lasiked for better distance vision.   Guess what?  Now I have one eye still very nearsighted - and the other one has changed and is too farsighted.  The eyes are so far apart that I have been referred to an eye specialist.    Oh joy.    But, hey - at least I can see!!

*  Aging is not easy.    I've always heard that.  I know it now.     But, you gotta keep on keeping on... live each day!   Find the joy!

*   Are you watching "American Idol?"   I have been watching, but I have had a tough time stomaching Katie Perry (sorry Katie lovers).   Some times I feel Luke's pain as he sits there and tries to think of something 'different' and country-sounding to say.   Last night was elimination night.   I finally decided to go online and vote.  My two survived the night.   I guess my vote does count somewhere! 

Gotta run.  Happy Monday! Happy May! 

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