Monday, April 10, 2017

What's good...what's not.

Hi all. It's Monday - so I'm quarterbacking....   and I'm thinking about what's good and what's not so good.

What's good?

This weather!   It's another beautiful day here in paradise, here where I live in this little corner of the lowcountry.  

Also good:   The weekend was lovely!  I spent time with hubby, and we planted in our new garden in the backyard, and I spent time with cousin Kay and Bill Saturday evening, and played in our community band dress rehearsal for the folks at Lakes of Litchfield retirement center (even though we had some rough spots in a couple of pieces that need to be worked on!?!).   Palm Sunday (yesterday) I played with Marjorie a wonderful flute duet piece at both church services.   And then the weekend finished up with a great ending to the Masters as I watched Sergio Garcia finally win a Major event, after years of being a professional golfer.  I was so happy for him!

Not so good?   The continual scary world happenings and the frightening political decisions.   The bombing of the church in Egypt by Isis, and the US decision to bomb in Syria.  What consequences will happen from it? 

Also, today a shooting at an elementary school in San Bernadino, CA.   Two children were shot (and hopefully will be okay) and two adults are dead - the shooter, and a teacher.   It sounds right now that it was a domestic dispute...but why oh why would someone come into a school with a gun?  When so many innocent, young children are around?   Obviously the shooter was not thinking clearly.  Gee... there's something new...NOT!   A person upset, with a gun... and doing something crazy and deadly.   I'm sorry all you gun owners who think you will never be that type of person. But, I know humanity well enough to know we all have the capability to 'lose it' and do something stupid in a quick moment.  If you have a gun when you have the stupid moment....  even YOU can do something you will regret.

Good?   It's almost time for "Happy hour" ...   my wine hour (or two.)

Also good?   TV watching tonight: "Southern Charm" is back!  I think this is the third new episode for the season airing tonight.  The continuing trials of Katherine and T-Rav, and the antics of Shep!

Not so good?    I'm still waiting for the house to sell.  I spent a couple of hours there yesterday cleaning up after the painters and floor installers.  Dust and dirt everywhere.   Hubby cleaned the decks and railings.

Good:  Today is "Sibling Day" as claimed on Facebook.  I have two.  So cheers to them!  They are in Ohio, probably thinking about me today....ha!   Remember, I am ALWAYS the youngest!  ( :

Good:  It is Holy Week and I am looking forward to the services, and the joy of Easter... and the worship, and the music!   And, I am looking forward to having daughter #1 and her hubby here for the weekend.   Not good: it will go by too quickly!!  I also want them to check out all the stuff in our garage we pulled from the house for sale.  We need to decide what to save, what to take to the church garage sale, and want to just throw away.   

Good: I got a mani-pedi today.  The first time in weeks.  It didn't seem worth it while I was cleaning and gardening.  But with Easter in a few days I hope I can keep my nails looking okay.

I hope you have mostly GOOD things happening to you this week.   There's always something good happening!  Just look for it!  


  1. I always enjoy these posts of yours. :) I miss Easter and Palm Sunday services. I've really got to find another church home. Once we left the one we raised the girls in I just haven't been motivated. Shame on me. Have a wonderful week!

    1. Here's my evangelism post: Go do it! Find a church. Head back for Easter... and after. It will bring joy and peace to your life. Thanks for reading my post.

  2. I enjoyed reading this post. My husband and I just got pedicures on Friday. The bad stuff is all so sad. I'm really worried for our country and the world. I hope you have a lovely Easter.
