Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The passing of time...

The passing of time - the joys and the struggles.

1. What do/did you call your grandparents? If it's something unusual tell us the story behind the name. If you're a grandparent what do your grands call you? Who chose your moniker?

My grandparents were called Grandma and Grandpa.  Nothing unique or different. 

Our leader Joyce is about to become a grandparent for the first time (very exciting!!), so I think she is getting ideas from us all who answer this question!  ha!   I don't blame her!   Wonder what she wants to be called.  I guess I will find out tomorrow.

If I become a grandmother, I don't know what I want to be called yet.    I love the idea of becoming one though!   If it happens!!

2. Ever taken a road trip along the California Coast? If so what was the highlight of your trek? If not, any desire to do so? If you were to take a trip along the California Coast what's one attraction you'd have on your must-see list?

We used to live in California.  We have traveled by car from the SF Bay area up north along the coast.  We have also gone the other direction, along Big Sur, and Pebble Beach.   Beautiful areas!  Definitely different than East coast beaches and the large expanses of sand and marshes.  I love the marshes!  So calming.   But, the high, rocky coastline is amazing too.

3. What are three things you don't know how to do?

Well, when it comes to car maintenance there are more than three things I don't know how to do.

I'm also not unable to do a lot when it comes to computer issues.  I love when my computer works right, but if there is a glitch, or a screen pops up that I don't understand, I am clueless. 

I don't know how to  play the guitar and there are times I really wish I could. 

4. Tom Peters is quoted as saying, 'Celebrate what you want to see more of.' If that's true what will you celebrate and more importantly, how will you celebrate?

Well, I want to see my daughters more often than I do - and I celebrate them!   But, I also know they have their lives and I am proud of who they are, and what they do.

I celebrate music - and I love seeing live concerts - and hope to see more of them.

5. Thursday (February 16) is National Almond Day. Do you like almonds? Which would you prefer-an Almond Joy or a macaron? What's something you make that calls for almonds?

Yes, I like almonds.  I will take an Almond Joy over a Macaron. Macarons have coconut, right? I'm not a big coconut fan.   I sometimes will add almonds to a green salad - along with mandarin oranges. It's a nice combination.

6. What does Saturday morning look like at your house?

Saturday morning here means up around 7:00am.  Coffee, news, and computer time.  Then we take our two pugs to the beach for a walk around 8:00am. They get to play with other dogs there. and get some exercise. We get exercise too - and get to experience a beautiful East Coast morning!  

7. Share with us a favorite book you've read this winter.

I have read two Sue Monk Kidd books recently.  I am loving her writing style and content.  The second book I read was written every other chapter by her daughter Ann. They traveled Europe together.  It's part a travelogue, but more importantly, part mother-daughter connection.  Family interactions - and age concerns.  A woman's book.  It's called "Traveling with Pomegranates."

Right now I am reading "Hillbilly Elegy" by J.D. Vance. I wanted to read it because people told me it helped to understand some of America's thinking these days.  It focuses on people of Kentucky and southern Ohio - from small towns, or "hollers," and why the areas have stayed in poverty.  It is a biography from a man who grew up there.  I am enthralled so far...but I am worried it is not going to end well.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

So, I opened mouth and inserted foot in a way (again.)  Here is my dilemma:  I try to stay aware, and concerned with my country - and I try to be Christian and say what I think is what Jesus would say and want.  But, often it can go against the grain of what is happening.  In Bible Study today we discussed that Christians are not 'normal' Americans and we live differently - and really, we try to see the country and world as Jesus would... and, yes, sometimes it's tough.  Thinking about what God wants, and how Jesus would have reacted to certain situations and issues in today's world.  Man, I struggle.  I WANT to and TRY to think about that all the time. I fall short.  I miss the mark.


Sorry.  It's been one of those days.

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1 comment:

  1. Is it just me or are you seeing a chunk of my blog overlapping with yours? Hmmm...it's odd. I wish I were more musical in general. My daughter1 plays guitar and daughter2 plays piano so at least I helped raise musical children. They get if from their dad : )
